Business Setup
HR Services
Premium Residency


SAR 44,850


SAR 63,300


SAR 96,600


SAR 156,450


SAR 241,500

The Ministry of Investment

Attaching the Articles of Association for the parent company in the investor's country, attested by the Saudi Embassy.
Attaching the commercial registration for the parent company in the investor's country, attested by the Saudi Embassy.
Attaching the audit reports for the parent company in the investor's country, attested by the Saudi Embassy.
Adding the required capital
Adding the required business activities
Submitting an application for the Ministry of Investment
Obtaining approval from the Ministry of Investment on the application
Issuing the Investment License from the Ministry of Investment.

Saudi Post Local SPL

Accreditation of the company’s national address

Translation Office

Translation of the Articles of Association and attest it by the Chamber of Commerce.
Translation of the commercial registration and attest it by the Chamber of Commerce.
Translation of the Power of Attorney and attest it by the Chamber of Commerce.

Ministry of Justice

Attestation of the foreign Power of Attorney
Accreditation of the Saudi Power of Attorney

Ministry of Commerce

Requesting reservation of the trading name
Attaching a letter of request for the trading name
Attaching the Power of Attorney
Attaching the investment license
Attaching the Commercial Registration
Obtain the approval of the trading name reservation request
Accreditation of the company’s national address
Submitting the Articles of Association request
Obtain the approval of the Article of Association request by the Ministry of Commerce
Payment of Commercial Register fees
Issuing the Commercial Registration
Issuing a Chamber of Commerce account

Chamber of Commerce

Opening a file at the Chamber of Commerce
Personal presence of the general manager
Approval of the signature of the general manager
Accreditation of the company’s national address
Opening my business portal (electronic services).
Issuing a Chamber of Commerce certificate

Zakat , Tax and Customs Authority

Opening a file at the Zakat Tax and customs authority
Activating the subscription number for Zakat.
Accreditation of the company’s national address
Issuing a registration certificate for zakat and Income Authority
Activate the value added Tax number.
Issuing a value added Tax certificate

Labour Office

Opening a file at the Ministry of Labor.
Getting Approval from the Ministry of Interior.
Activate the Ministry of Labor file.
Accreditation of the company’s national address
Link the file to the commercial registration
Authorizing a manager to the account of the facility.

Qiwa platform

Subscribe in Qiwa platform
Authorizing a manager to the account of the facility.
Accreditation of the company’s national address
Issuing the visa for the general manager.
Issuing a Saudization certificate (establishment)
Create a work policy
Activating employee transfer services from another establishment
Activating employee transferring services between company establishments
Activate the employment contracts service
Activating the service of issuing work permits and Visas
Activating the balance of residence Visas in Saudi Arabia with a quantity of (3).
Employment certificate
End of service reward service

Geneal Organization Social Insurance

Opening a file in General Organization Social Insurance (GOSI)
Authorizing a manager to the account of the facility.
Accreditation of the company’s national address
Activate Netaqat System
Link Netaqat (Company level) with the Labour Office
Issuing the General Organization Social Insurance certificate
Activate contributor registration services
Activate establishment details services
Activate wage management services
Activating conrtibutors transfer services between branches
Activate occupational hazard services
Activating medical insurance services
Activate financial services for invoices

Mudad Platform

Subscribe in Mudad
Authorizing a manager to the account of the facility.
accreditation of the company’s national address
Link the bank account.
Activate wage protection.
Activate compliance system

Ministry of Interior

Activate number 70 (national unified number)
Linking all agencies and ministries to No. 70
Link Muqeem platform

Muqeem Platform

Fill out Muqeem subscription form
Subscribe in Muqeem.
Link with the unified number in the commercial registration
Authorizing a manager to the account of the facility.
Accreditation of the company’s national address
Activate resident management services
Activate visitor services
Activate facility management services
residince permit prinitng services (iqama card printing )
Activating inquiry services outside the facility
Activating the services of criminal record certificate
Activate the Mojaz service
Activate reporting services

Investor Visa (General Manager)

Issuing a general manager or employee Visa from Qiwa platform
Choose city of departure from Qiwa platform
Authorizing the Visa agent accredited by the Saudi Embassy from the departure city
Employment contract for the employee certified by the Chamber of Commerce.
Employment contract for the employee certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Accreditation of the professional certificate from the Ministry of Labor website.
A letter to the Saudi Embassy.

Residency Visa (Iqama)

Medical examination for the investor inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Medical insurance within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Issuing a work permit from Qiwa within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Paying Jawazat fees within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Paying Muqeem points fees within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Issuing a residence permit from Muqeem platform within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Residency of Visa printing (Iqama printing)

The Company's Bank Account

Submitting the Articles of Association
Submitting the commercial registeration
Submit a license from the Ministry of Investment
Providing the general manager (investor) Iqama
Provide the national address
Obtain bank approval of the request to open the account.
Opening the bank account

Saudization Services

Hiring a Saudi employee for 3 months

Personal Bank Account of the Investor (General Manager)

Opening a personal bank account for the Investor

Human Resources Services

The basic package services for Human Resources for a duration of three months

Saudi Embassy Service Outside the Kingdom

Reviewing Visa agents accredited by the Saudi Embassy in the investor's country to finalize the process
Medical examination for the investor in their country.
Criminal record certificate
Mentioning the name in the Saudi company
Professional accreditation for engineers , doctors and Technicians
Certifying educational certificate
Issuance of the Visa from the Saudi Embassy in the investor's country.

Hospitality Services

Airport reception.
Hotel accommodation services
Private chauffeur services from 8 AM to 1 PM for a maximum of 5 hours
Governmental agencies review to finalize the process

Family Recruitment Services

Issuance of visit Visas for family or relatives
Issuance of residence Visas for family only, including government fees

Driving License Services

Medical examination
Vision test
Exchange of the driver's license in case of having a Gulf driving license.


SAR 7,500


SAR 9,600


SAR 19,200


SAR 28,800


SAR 38,400

The Ministry of Investment

Issuance of licenses
Renewal of licenses
Amendment of licenses
Voluntarily cancelation of licenses
Conversion of foreign entity to 100% national entity
Renewal of the trademark for the multinational companies
Services transfer for private driver and maid
Data updating
Data updating of the general manager
Business visit Visa for the 'general manager' or the 'investor'

Saudi Post Local SPL

Track shipment
Link shipment
Change destination of the shipment
Shipment prepation
Report of outgoing dispatches
Purchase prepaid packages
Track shipment
Shipment retrieval
Address book
P.O Box
E-P.O Box
My bills
Customer balance

Ministry of Justice

Ratification of foreign power of attorneys
Issuance of Saudi power of attorenys

Ministry of Commerce

Booking a commercail name
Amendments to article of association
Transferring commercial register from main to branch and vice versa
Transformation from an establishment to a company
Issuing a subsidiary commercial register for companies
Renewal of commercial register
Writing off main commercial register
Getting commercial register full data

Saudi Business (Electronic Branch)

Limited liability company establishment
Partnership company establishment
Establishing a company under an investment license
Joint stock company establishment
Limited partnership company establishment
Manage alerts and notifications
Electronic commerce documentation
Alerts and notifications management
Business operation
Amending the Memorandum of Association/Baselaws
Converting the subsidiary commercial register to the main one
Transformation from an institution to a company
Transferring ownership of a commercial register
Amending a commercial register
Issuing a subsidiary commercial register for companies
The renewal of the commercial register
Cancellation of the company’s commercial register
Commercial register extract

Chamber of Commerce

Membership Services
Updating the data of the enterprise
Users account adminstration
Modification of the authorized members
Printing the Subscription Certificate
Issue a letter of Identification for the Enterprise
Document verification services
The verification through the available template forms
Ministry of Foreign Affairs requests verification
Ministry of Interior requests verification
Electronic financial portfolio
Loading the portfolio
Account statement
Permit services
Establishment certificate
Inquiry services
Membership services
Manual certification
Electronic certification
Electronic authorization
Permits inquiry
Transactions between establishments
Correspondence between establishments.
Agreements between establishments
Certificate of Origin for the logistics zone
Certificate of Origin
Service subscription

Zakat Tax and Customs Authority

Issuanace of registreation certificate
Issuance of the value added tax certificate
Modify the information of the establishment representative
Updating data

Labour Office

Data amendment services
Renew of work licenses
Commercial Register renewal
Adding representitive to the facility

Qiwa platform

Hiring employees
Employee management, Occupation management, work permits
Disbursement of wage deduction
Contract management
Employee transfer
Salary certificate
Training Management
Establishment management
Establishment data management
Nitaqat and Visas balance
Establishment Violations
Internal Work Policy
Nationalization of Operation and Maintenance Contracts
Locations management
Tools and calculators
Linking occupations to Nitaqat Activities
Nitaqat calculator
Certificate Validation
Payment Management
Qiwa wallet
Establishment Monthly Report
Subscriptions and user Management
Users privileges
Labor Office services
Labor Office Appointments

General Organization Social Insurance

Customer services
Add contributor
Contributor management
List of the contributors registered by the establishment
Transfer all contributors
Report an occupational injuries
Financial services
Establishment Invoice
Installment request
Installment request summary
Exemption record
Credit refund request


Payroll management
Monthly salaries
Journal report
Request approval


Residents management
transfer services
Services for some residents
Residents request through Absher platform
Visitors management
Inquire about a visitor
Facility management
Facilty Data
Users mangement
Branches management
Facility vehicles
Stop orders services
Inquiry service
Support Services
Criminal Record service
Alerts service
Income information requests
Mojaz services
Muqeem reports
Advanced reports
Customized reports

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Request for extending an exit and return Visa
Work Visit Request for professional jobs
Personal Visa Request
Visit Visa for government organizations
Permanent work Visa request
Temporary work Visa request
Ratification services on documents


Request mangement
Licenses Mangement
Organizations and Systems
Balady business
Electronic municipal authorization
Add a facility to an account manager
Inquiry About Facility Requests
Inquiry about facility delegates
Commercial Licenses
Issuing a Commercial License
Renewal of Commercial Activity License
Cancellation of Commercial Activity License
Health certificate
Issuing a Health Certificate
Renewal of Health Certificate

Saudization Services

Support facilities by hiring Saudi employees

Personal Bank Account of the Investor (General Manager)

Provide the services of Monshaat platform

Hospitality Services

Providing medical insurance quotations
Issuing medical insurance for employees
Renewing the medical insurance policy
Cancelling medical insurance

Employee Services

Leave days
Penalties and sanctions
Employee journey
End-of-service gratuity
Saudization percentage
Renewal of annual licenses
Attestation of documents from government authorities
Support for company policies and work systems
Company bank accounts
Visa and other Jawazat services
Preparation and signing of employment contracts
Processing and issuing residency Visa (Iqama)
Processing and Issuing of Premium Residency
Visit or work Visa
Medical certificate and attestation of educational certificates
Payroll Sheets Prepation
Local recruitment
Outsorcing Recruitment
Employee affairs management
Benefits and bonuses
Project management
Employee relations issues
Company lease contracts
Processing and documentation of employees' entry and exit permits
Municipality and traffic services
Renewal of passports for employees by Jawazat
Assistance in daily operations
License amendments and renewals
Family Visas (Residency Visas)
Preparation of official letters to government authorities
Saudi Embassies support


SAR 14,000


SAR 14,000


SAR 14,000


SAR 14,000


SAR 14,000


SAR 110,000


SAR 810,000


 Individuals with exceptional skills and backgrounds in science, administration, and research can enhance local capacities and facilitate experience exchange.Talents and experts in the fields of sports, culture, and the arts.Investors interested in investing in Saudi economic activity.Entrepreneurs and innovators interested in working on the development of multiple sectors in Saudi Arabia.Real estate owners in Saudi ArabiaPeople who want to live in Saudi Arabia for a limited or unlimited amount of time.People who want to live in Saudi Arabia for a limited or unlimited amount of time.


 -Limited residency for five years, renewable once upon meeting product eligibility criteria.
-Permanent residency upon continued fulfillment of product eligibility criteria and 30 months of residency within 5 consecutive or non-consecutive years.
-A limited residency of five years, renewable once upon meeting the product eligibility criteria, and a residency of 30 months within 5 consecutive or non-consecutive years.
-Permanent residency when the product eligibility criteria continues to be met during the specified residency period and a 30-month residency within 5 consecutive or non-consecutive years and obtaining a recommendation from the competent authority (Ministry of Culture or Ministry of Sports)
Permanent residency under the conditions of :
- 7 million SAR invested over the first two years
- Creating 10 jobs within two years
-Category 1: A five-year residence permit that is renewed if the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria for Category 1 and resides for 30 months within the five-year period.
-permanent residency under the condition of the creation of at least 10 jobs for the first year and at least 10 jobs for the second year.
Owning or using the property.A specific residence renewable permit for one year and up to 5 years.Permanent residence



exceptional skills and backgrounds in science, administration, and research

1- Researchers

  • An employment contract in the specified entities with a priority specialization.
  • The total monthly wage should not be less than 14 thousand riyals.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • More than 3 years of work experience in a related field.
  • Passing the minimum points system.
  • A letter of recommendation from the employer.

2- Health and scientific competencies

  • An employment contract in the specified entities with a priority specialization.
  • The total monthly wage should not be less than 35 thousand riyals.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • More than 3 years of work experience in a related field.
  • Passing the minimum points system.
  • A letter of recommendation from the employer.

3. Executives

  • An employment contract in a leadership position (first and second levels) in one of the specified agencies, provided that the total monthly wage is not less than 80 thousand riyals.
  • Letter of recommendation from the employer (second level).

A- The first path:

  • Nominate or obtain one of the specified exceptional awards.
  • Passing the minimum financial solvency (to ensure that the costs of living in Saudi Arabia are borne).
  • Obtaining a recommendation from the culture system or the Ministry of Sports, depending on the applicant’s field.

B- The second path:

  • Meeting the minimum list of eligibility criteria approved by the culture and sports system.
  • Passing the minimum financial solvency (to ensure that the costs of living in Saudi Arabia are borne).
  • Obtaining a recommendation from the culture system or the Ministry of Sports, depending on the applicant’s field.
  • Obtaining an investment license.
  • Investing a minimum of 7 million riyals in economic activities in Saudi Arabia in accordance with the investment system, provided that investment is proven during the first two years.
  • Hire at least 10 employees in the Kingdom.

1- First category

  • Obtaining an entrepreneurial license from the Ministry of Investment.
  • Obtaining an investment round(s) from one of the investment entities approved and worth a minimum of 400 thousand riyals from the Ministry of Investment.
  • A letter of recommendation from the investing party.
  • The applicant’s share in the company should not be less than 20%.

2- The second category

  • Obtaining an entrepreneurial license from the Ministry of Investment.
  • Obtaining an investment round(s) from one of the investment entities approved and worth 15 million riyals from the Ministry of Investment.
  • A letter of recommendation from the investing party.
  • The applicant’s share in the startup company should not be less than 10%.
  • Create at least 10 jobs during the first year, and at least 10 additional jobs during the second year.
  • Owning or benefiting from real estate assets worth no less than 4 million riyals in Saudi Arabia.
  • The property must not be mortgaged and must not be mortgaged after that.
  • The ownership or use of the property must not be through real estate financing.
  • The type of property must be residential only.
  • The property must be existing and not from developed or undeveloped lands.
  • An approved assessment of the value of the real estate asset issued by appraisers accredited by the Saudi Authority for Certified Valuers “Taqeem”
Providing proof of the applicant's financial solvency. Providing proof of the applicant's financial solvency.

Our Head Office

  • Motaded - Riyadh
    FDA2646 Building No. 2646, Ext. 7180
    Al-Shuhada District, Postal Code 13241, Riyadh.
    The second branch: Al-Thumama Specialist Road,
    Al-Narjis neighborhood
Clients Area